Deffenbaugh Foundation

Deffenbaugh Foundation

We’re thrilled to announce we received a grant from the Ronald Deffenbaugh Foundation! Their contribution will reverberate far beyond its monetary value. It’s a beacon of hope that will illuminate the lives of countless individuals and families. Through the...
Introducing Karrie Duke

Introducing Karrie Duke

We’re beyond excited to introduce you to our new Executive Director, Karrie Duke!  Karrie is a remarkable nonprofit leader who has a special connection to Flourish. With an impressive background in nonprofit leadership, strategy, and growth spanning over...
2023 June Impact

2023 June Impact

446 Homes Furnished, 1,069 Lives Impacted, and Counting! 🏠✨🌟  At Flourish Furniture Bank, we are thrilled to share this incredible update: as of June 2023, 446 homes have been furnished, impacting the lives of 1,069 individuals, including 516...
Meet Joseph

Meet Joseph

Meet Joseph, a veteran who recently found a new place to call home thanks to the support of our partners at the Veteran’s Administration! At Flourish Furniture Bank, we had the honor of assisting Joseph in selecting furnishings for his new space. From a cozy bed...
Kansas City Royals

Kansas City Royals

Fantastic news! On May 16th, we received a generous donation of tables from the Kansas City Royals Kauffman Stadium. These tables will now take centerfield in the homes of many families, providing a space for shared meals, homework sessions, and precious memories. As...
Journey to New Life

Journey to New Life

Kevin Strickland Ricky Kidd, Kevin Strickland, and Lamar Johnson Lamar Johnson “Those who come to us find guidance and compassion, not judgement.” – Journey to New Life  Kevin Strickland was only 18 years old when he was falsely accused of murder....