446 Homes Furnished, 1,069 Lives Impacted, and Counting! 🏠✨🌟 

At Flourish Furniture Bank, we are thrilled to share this incredible update: as of June 2023, 446 homes have been furnished, impacting the lives of 1,069 individuals, including 516 children!  

Our dedicated team of 246 volunteers worked tirelessly, contributing an astounding 12,000 hours to make this possible. Together, we distributed over 16,000 essential items, ensuring families in need have a safe and comfortable place to call home.  

By supporting Flourish Furniture Bank, you’ve played a crucial role in making this achievement a reality. Whether you’ve donated furniture, volunteered your valuable time, or simply helped spread the word, we are immensely grateful for your unwavering support.  

Not only are we empowering families to thrive despite the challenges of systemic poverty, but we’re also making a significant impact on our environment by keeping valuable resources out of the landfill.  

Join us as we continue our mission to create brighter futures, one home at a time. Together, we can make an even greater difference!