Volunteer at Flourish
The heartbeat of Flourish is our volunteer crew, coming in at nearly 120 volunteers per month. Our volunteer opportunities include sewing, woodworking, sorting, and more.
Your Time Changes Lives
Since Flourish’s beginnings in 2009, volunteers have been the magic that makes it possible to collect, repair, and distribute furniture free to guests. The special care and craftsmanship volunteers dedicate to every donated item means that guests choose from beautiful, durable, and carefully presented items when they shop.
Flourish has a wide range of volunteer opportunities from collecting furniture, to assisting guests, to processing and repairing donations. We LOVE new volunteers! No matter your skill level or interest, your service will make a big impact for our neighbors.
Volunteer Roles
Select from a variety of flexible and rewarding opportunities. New volunteers will be offered a tour and orientation prior to beginning their serve day.
Volunteers ages 12-14 must be accompanied by an adult.
Volunteers in our Beds department put together beds, arrange mattress donations, and make sure that each guest receives a
clean bed and frame for the best night’s sleep.
- Tuesday – Saturday from 8:30 am – 12 pm
Dish Packing
Our dish packers take mismatched donated dishes and create artfully curated and coordinated sets out of available inventory.
- Tuesday – Saturday from 8:30 am – 12 pm.
Electrical Testing
Our electrical testers inspect and repair incoming donations so they are in like new working condition for our families coming in to shop.
- Tuesday – Saturday from 8:30 am – 12 pm.
Floor Captain
The Floor Captain is a volunteer role that involves answering phones and emails, greeting and checking in guests, and ensuring that all departments are working together to support the Flourish mission.
- Tuesday – Saturday from 8:30 am – 12 pm.
Furniture Cleaning
By vacuuming, cleaning, and shampooing the donations that Flourish receives, we are able to give furniture new life and give our guests the choice of great, clean furniture to choose from for their new homes.
- Tuesday – Saturday from 8:30 am – 12 pm.
Furniture Pickers
As guests shop, they place stickers on larger items that will not fit in their carts. Furniture Pickers work in the showroom and gather the larger items to be loaded on to a cart and into the guest’s vehicle.
- Tuesday – Saturday from 8:30 am – 12 pm.
Take home bags of donated linens and bring them back freshly washed for our guests.
- You decide!
Furniture Loaders work on our dock and are in charge of ensuring each box and piece of furniture is carefully loaded into the guest’s vehicle. They also accept incoming donations and work with the pickers, packers, and bed team, to ensure all items are loaded and ready to go.
- Tuesday – Saturday from 8:30 am – 12 pm.
Packing our guests’ items with care is an essential step of the entire shopping experience. Our packers make sure each item is handled and wrapped with care so they arrive at their new home safely.
- Tuesday – Saturday from 8:30 am – 12 pm.
Work in our Sewing Department and repair, repurpose and recycle different linens and fabrics into beautiful, useful items. Projects for all skill sets available.
- Tuesday – Saturday from 8:30 am – 12 pm.
Showroom Host
Serving as a support and guide through our showroom, our showroom hosts assist our guests through their shopping experience. All Showroom Hosts participate in a training for trauma informed care.
- Tuesday – Saturday from 8:30 am – 12 pm.
One of the biggest jobs at Flourish, our sorters inspect incoming donations and direct them to the proper departments for repair, coordinate matching sets of sheets and towels, or ready items to be stocked in the showroom.
- Tuesday – Saturday from 8:30 am – 12 pm.
Truck Drivers
- Our team is looking for a few folks with flexible weekday schedules to help us get donations picked up. Help us ensure that no one in Kansas City goes without basic necessities. Most shifts are only 1-4 hours and offer flexibility.
- Please contact info@flourishfurnishings.org to learn more. No CDL required.
Flourish has a woodworking department where craftsmen and hobbyists repair, refinish and repurpose donated items as needed, keeping usable furnishings out of the landfill and making them look new again.
- Tuesday – Saturday from 8:30 am – 12 pm.

Bring Your Team
On-site Team Projects
- Team Size: 5–10 (volunteers ages 12–14 must be accompanied by an adult, with a ratio of 1:5)
- Jobs include loading trucks for our guests, sorting through donated goods, packing, woodworking, sewing, and more!
- Specific projects will be determined on the day you volunteer based on inventory and final group size. Special team building projects are available both on and offsite.
- Volunteers do not have to stay for the entire time frame, but are requested to be present by 8:30 am. There will be an orientation and tour for any new volunteers.
Off-site Team Projects
- Sponsor a donation drive: collect items such as cookware, small appliances, blankets, towels, pillows, etc.
- Purchase and assemble kitchen essentials kits as a team.
- Build a dresser from a kit and deliver to Flourish.
- Host a Flourish scavenger hunt! Divide into teams and see who can collect all the items on our list of essentials first!
How To Register
First Time Volunteer?
- Click the “Sign Up to Serve” button above
- Click on “Volunteer Registration“
- Fill out your contact information. If under 18, a waiver will be emailed to your guardian and they will need to confirm before you can serve.
- Arrive at 8:30 am to check in for the day, take a tour, and choose your assignment. Plan to stay until around 12 pm
- If you have any questions, please email Volunteer@FlourishFurnitureBank.org
How To Sign Up in Advance
- Go to Flourish.FurnitureBank.Net or click the “Sign Up to Serve” button above
- Click on Search Volunteer Opportunities
- Click on the upper right corner of the screen where you will see three lines
- Click on “Login”
- If you have not yet Registered, you can do it here.
- If you are already in the system, you will choose Forgotten Password on this screen (Even if you have never created one!)
- Enter your email
- It will email you a link with a temporary password.
- From the email, you can login and change your password.
Once you are logged in:
- On the right side of the screen, choose Search Volunteer Opportunities. This will take you to a screen where you can search by day of the week, date, or position
- If you choose a position, it will bring up a list of available dates.
- Click on Sign Up for each of the dates you would like to choose.
How To Cancel A Registration
- Follow the steps above to login
- On the right side of the screen it will show your upcoming sign ups.
- Click on the opportunity you would like to cancel
- Select “Cancel Sign Up”
How to Log Hours Remotely
- Go to Flourish.FurnitureBank.Net or click the “Sign Up to Serve” button above
- Click on Volunteer Check In
- Click on the upper right corner of the screen where you will see three lines
- Click on “Add Hours”
- Enter your email, select assignment from list, and enter your date/time volunteered.
- Click “Add”
- Alternatively, the link below will take you directly to the website to enter your time. If clicking it doesn’t work, copy it and paste it into your browser. https://flourish.furniturebank.net/public/volunteer/index.php?page=add_hours