Saturday, April 26th • 11 AM – 3 PM • The Summit Church • 3381 NW Chipman Rd, Lee’s Summit, MO
- Team registration is free but each team must raise $500 or more for Flourish through donations and sponsorships. There will be an award to the team that raises the most funds!
- Each team must provide 5 team members the day of the event, one runner for each corner of the bed and one person that must sit or lay on the bed throughout the race.
- Runners must be at least 14 years of age (with a parent’s signed waiver for all minors). Kids are welcome to attend the event and participate in the wagon, scooter, & stroller race at 1:15 PM
- Each team may enlist additional team members who can serve as alternates and fundraise
- Download the Bed Race Rules for a full list of requirements
- Four runners, one at each corner of the bed, must push the bed and remain in contact with the bed throughout the entire race. The rider must remain on the bed at all times.
- Beds must be raced foot-first. (The foot of the bed facing forward.) Runners must be push, not pull, the racing bed, and riders must be oriented feet-first on the bed.
- The bed and all team members must be present for Bed Inspection at 11 AM and the Parade of Beds at 12 PM
- All members of the team must cross the finish line to qualify
- All racers must wear helmets during the race
*Please note the Flourish bed race rules require beds and riders to be oriented feet-first for safety. The Flourish race will include double-elimination heats between two teams on a 300-foot course
How To Build A Bed
Teams are responsible for creating and transporting their racing bed. This is an opportunity to get creative! Themes and accompanying costumes are encouraged. Below are three methods to build your bed.
Method 1
- Find or purchase a bed frame with built-in wheels (like this one)
- Replace any gliders with additional caster wheels for beds
- Add a twin-size mattress (donation afterwards optional) and pushbar
- Decorate! Be creative with your team name and theme. Costumes are encouraged.
Method 2
- Add wheels to wooden bed frame. Add a support system and caster wheels to an existing frame *** Warning: Do not install caster wheels vertically directly into wooden bed legs. Screws installed along the grain will cause legs to split and break under the pressure of the race. There must be a cross-grain piece of wood between the caster wheel and the bed leg.
- Add a twin size mattress (donation afterwards optional) and a pushbar
- Decorate! Be creative with your team name and theme. Costumes are encouraged.
Method 3
Instructions from Phoenixville Bed Race Bed Building 101
7 2×4’s
1 sheet plywood
2 ½” wood screws
1 5/8″ wood screws
4 casters or similar wheels
1. Cut plywood 6’ x 3’ section. Be sure to save extra for head and foot boards.
2. Cut 2 – 2×4’s into 6’ sections for the platform frame. (Be sure to keep remaining 2’ to brace back post to side)
3. Create back posts (2) by cutting 2 – 2×4’s into 4’ sections
4. Create front posts (2) by cutting 2 – 4’ sections from step 2 in half (2’) Use the remaining 2 – 4’ pieces for bracing the front and back of platform fame (~3’). Use the remaining 1’ pieces as added blocking for front/back posts to attach the caster wheels
5. Drill together two 4’ sections to make the back posts
6. Drill together two 2’ sections to make the front posts
7. Cut out corners of plywood (6’x3’) to allow for brace and fit the posts (roughly 5” x 3.5”)
8. Create platform base by drilling 2 – 6’ sections and 2 – 3’ sections together in a rectangle and attach to the plywood base with 1 5/8” screws.
9. Fit front and back posts through the windows in the plywood base.
10. Cross-brace the front and back posts between posts and drill together with 2 1/2” screws
11.Add a brace from the back post to the side on both sides of the bed frame.
12. Add extra plywood pieces as the head and foot boards.
13.Add extra 2×4 blocks to bottom of posts to allow base on which to add casters.
14. Add mattress and decorate. Be creative with your team name and theme! Costumes are encouraged.
Questions about bed building?
Reach out to Elinore Noyes to schedule a consultation with a Flourish engineer at elinore@flourishfurniturebank.org or 816-946-8605.