If you need furnishings
Flourish can only be accessed through case manager referrals and by appointment only.
If you are working with a case manager, ask them to make a referral on your behalf. If you do not have a case worker please see our list of referring partner agencies.
If you are in need of beds for children, consider contacting Sleepy Head Beds
Our Partner Agencies
- A Turning Point
- Academy of Addiction Services
- Amethyst Place
- Avenue of Life
- Beacon Mental Health
- Bishop Sullivan Center
- Brothers in Blue Re-entry
- BTC Building Brighter Futures
- Catholic Charities of KC St Joseph, MO
- City Union Mission
- Community Health Council of Wyandotte County
- Communities In Schools Mid-America
- Community Linc
- Community Services League
- Cornerstones of Care
- Della Lamb Community Services
- FosterAdopt Connect
- Front Porch Alliance
- Goodwill of Western MO & Eastern KS
- HandUp
- HCC Network
- Healing House
- Heartland RADAC
- Hillcrest Transitional Housing of Mid America
- Hope City KC
- Housing Authority of KCMO
- Jewish Vocational Service
- Johnson County Mental Health Center
- Journey to New Life
- Juneteenth KC
- Kansas DCF
- KC Footprints
- KC For Refugees
- Lutheran Urban Ministry Agency
- Mattie Rhodes Center
- Metro Lutheran Ministry
- Mission Adelante
- Newhouse
- Olathe Public Schools
- Operation Breakthrough
- OurSpot KC
- Pawsperity (Formerly The Grooming Project)
- Project 1020
- Raytown Emergency Assistance Program
- Reconciliation Services
- ReDiscover
- Relentless Pursuit Outreach & Recovery
- Resource Health Services (formerly Rachel’s House)
- ReStart
- Rose Brooks Center
- SafeHome
- Salvation Army-SSVF Program
- Save Inc.
- Serve the World KC
- Sisters in Christ KC
- Start at Zero
- Synergy Services, Inc
- Truman Ridge Adult Day Center
- United in Crisis Kansas City
- University Health (formerly Truman)
- Veteran’s Community Project
- Veteran’s Administration-Kansas City
- Wyandot Center