Become a Referring Agency

Shopping appointments at Flourish are made by referral from one of our partner agencies. Sign up to become a partner and start furnishing homes!

About our Progam

Flourish partners with case management services to provide an entire home of furniture to families overcoming housing insecurity. Our mission is to improve lives by providing essential furnishings to those seeking housing stability. We partner with agencies whose mission and values complement our own. 

We are one critical stop on families’ path to healthy and safe living.  You are our greatest asset as we locate, connect and serve the basic home essential needs of thousands in the KC area. Nonprofit organizations, faith-based communities and county human services programs are vital to our ability to provide furnishings for the community.

We provide upholstered & wood furniture, beds, dining tables & chairs, linens, basic cookware & bakeware, dishware, silverware, glassware, and other miscellaneous items as they are available.

Flourish guests shop for their new furnishings with dignity and agency. They have the ability to personally select their items in our showroom. Every person referred to Flourish will be assigned a personal shopper (showroom host) to assist in the entire process.

We only accept referrals from approved agency case managers. We ask that all referring agencies provide case management and wrap-around support.

The annual agency application fee is $200 and the annual agency renewal fee is $175 if paid within 30 days of renewal date/receipt of renewal invoice. Fees per appointment are $100-$150 depending on family size.

Referring agency case workers self-schedule their client appointments. They will have an account that enables them to have access to all their scheduled appointments for reference, cancellation, or rescheduling.

Please review our agency guidelines and set up an interview with our Executive Director prior to submitting your application. Schedule your interview by emailing

Becoming a Referring Agency

Agency Application Procedures

1. Please review and sign our Referring Agency Agreement (below) and set up an interview with our Executive Director prior to submitting your application. Schedule your interview by emailing  (renewals may skip this step).

2. Complete the fillable PDF Agency Application (below). Renewals will complete the fillable PDF Renewal Form (below) and review a list of current case managers for accuracy.

3. Every case manager that will be referring from your organization will need to complete an online orientation.  Download the Case Manager Training Presentation, complete the Case Manager Quiz, and return to


4. Credentials are emailed to the case manager once the quiz is received.  Credentials will come from a email address.  Please check your spam folder.